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by Lucy Care on 25 November, 2014
After the Royal Derby Hospital was built, a row of trees was planted along the boundary with Kings Drive which in time would help to obscure the buildings from Jackson Avenue. After a shaky start (quite a lot died and had to be replaced) they are now looking good.
But if they aren’t looked after this might not last.
When they were planted they were given short posts to help support them as they established longer roots. The trees were tied to these posts.
As the trees have grown, their trunks have got thicker. The bands that they were tied with have unfortunately not stretched similarly and several are cutting into the trees’ bark.
The layer of trunk just under the bark carries nutrients (like sugars and amino acids) from the leaves down to the roots to let them grow. If these get cut off by the band the trees could become so damaged that they die.
Interestingly the trees on the inside of the fence have had their bands loosened, probably by the grounds maintenance staff who trim the bushes there.
I’ve reported the ones on the outside to the Council for attention too.
If you see other trees like this, take pity on them. Loosen the tie, remove the tie (if the tree is big enough) or let the tree’s owner know what’s happening.
Thank you.
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